Sometime can happens following bug with Elastic Search
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"cluster_block_exception","reason":"index [magento_product_1_v2] blocked by: [TOO_MANY_REQUESTS/12/disk usage exceeded flood-stage watermark, index has read-only-allow-delete block];"}],"type":"cluster_block_exception","reason":"index [magento_product_1_v2] blocked by: [TOO_MANY_REQUESTS/12/disk usage exceeded flood-stage watermark, index has read-only-allow-delete block];"},"status":429}
For resolve this issue – try update settings of Elastic Search:
curl -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete": null}'
Where is address of ElasticSearch instance. In my case – run command from host-computer to Docker (where installed/running ElasticSearch)